Terms Of Use
When you enter nightandmild.com website or when you use an information on nightandmild.com , it means that you have agreed to the following terms of use.
NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused by entering this website, use of the information and other data, etc. on the website, breach of contract, wrongful act, or other reasons. NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş., refuses responsibility in case of an interruption, error, negligence of the procedure caused by a breach of contract, wrongful act, negligence or other reasons.
NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. reserves the right to change existing services, products, terms of use, and the information presented on nightandmild.com website and the website’s extensions, to reorganize the website, to seize the publishing of the website without prior warning. The changes become effective on the date they are published on nightandmild.com. It is considered that these changes are accepted with the use of the website or with the sign-in to the website. These terms apply for the links to other web pages.
The brand has the right to reach the users for marketing, notification and other purposes using the information submitted in the sign-up form or the contact information updated later by the user. When the user accepts this agreement, he/she accepts and declares that nightandmild.com can do the communication activities that are mentioned above unless a written declaration is otherwise provided.
NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. refuses responsibility in case of a breach of contract, wrongful act, negligence or other reasons; for the interruption, error, negligence, deletion, loss of the procedure, or for accessing, altering and use of the archives without permission as a result of a computer virus, communication failure, theft, dectruction.
This website may include link sor references to other websites which are not controlled by NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. is not responsible for the content of these websites or the links that these websites have.
NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. holds the intellectual and industrial property rights and is the licensee of all the data including general view and design of nightandmild.com, all the information, images, the brand of NIGHT AND MILD, the domain name nightandmild.com, the logo, the icon, the technical data that is presented in demonstrative, written, electronic, graphic or machine-readable views, the computer softwares, the applied distribution system, the work methods and the work models ; and therefore is under legal protection. NIGHT AND MILD brand is officially registered by Turkish Patent Institute to NAM CASALINEN TEKSTIL VE SANAYI A.Ş. None of the data on the website ,including the codes and the software, can be altered, copied, duplicated, translated, re-published, downloaded to another computer, emailed, posted, forwarded, presented or distributed without obtaining permission first or without providing reference. Whole or parts of the website cannot be used on other websites without permission. Acts against these require criminal and legal liability. All rights that are not specified here are reserved for NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş.
In the event that nightandmild.com account, outside of the user membership terms hereby determined and outside of the aims that NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. determines ex-parte, is used by a user in a way that harms either NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. or a third party; and/or if NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş.’s commercial reputation is harmed due to the actions of a user, NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. holds the right to immediately cancel the membership of that user on nightandmild.com, and also holds the right to apply to both judicial and administrative authorities.
With the help of SSL security protocols, during the dataflow between you and your bank, the information is encoded and transferred; thus preventing the information from getting decoded and used by third parties. The credit card information that is used during a purchase is encrypted independently of nightandmild.com and cross-examined by your bank. With SSL security protocol, the credit card information that you provide on our website is first encoded and then transferred to the bank, and it is impossible for third parties to reach this information during this process. If the use of the credit card is approved by the concerned bank, one can continue with the puchase. Third parties cannot reach the information that is on the online system of nightandmild.com. However, the safety of the password that is created and used during sign-in, is under the responsibility of the customer.
NAM CASALINEN TEKSTİL VE SANAYİ A.Ş. holds the right to change the content of this legal disclaimer at any time; and reccomends all its users to visit the Terms of Use page everytime they enter the website.